Ok Ok Ok... Sorry I have not been posting regularly. Work has been busy, and without being home, the extra time I used to have is spent sleeping lol.
Well let us get back to the topic at hand here. Today is Halloween. The greatest day of the year! I went searching for my favorite Halloween song, and couldn't pick just one. So here are a few of my ALL TIME FAVES:
Sorry, I know the song is looooong, but it always puts me into a Halloween mood. It was even featured on an episode of Home Improvement. the episode was a Halloween episode as well.
This song was pretty much the theme to our wedding. Jenny and I love this song. Yes, we do listen to this song year round, so don't judge us! LoL
When most Metal Heads of think Halloween, the first guy that comes to mind is usually Alice cooper. When I was in Jr high, I purchased Elvira's Monster Hits CD. This was the second track on the cd. I have loved it ever since.
Psyclon Nine will always remind me of my very first trip to Knott's Halloween Haunt. Their "Underground" maze played industrial songs the whole way through. I know this song wasn't meant to be Halloween sounding, but it sure does feel Halloween to me.
This is one of my favorite Horror Punk songs. "Dead In Hollywood" by the Murderdolls. My son, Eli, loves this song. He likes how it starts off by talking about Frankenstein. Eli says, "Frankenstein....? Like halloween??"
I'm sure everyone who knows my family and I was waiting for a Nightmare Before Christmas song... Well here it is. Now I couldn't just go and post a video from the movie that everyone had seen, so here is "This is Halloween" covered by Marilyn Manson.
This last song is "Rituals" by God Module. They represent the horror industrial genre. This is a club version of Haunted house music. Dark, spooky, and yet upbeat to move to!
I know there are a lot, but I do have a lot of halloween style songs that are my favorites. Even though I do listen to these songs year round, it always does remind me of my favorite time of the year... HALLOWEEN :-)
Welcome to this weeks Music Video Monday. Sorry but this is looking to be a short post. I am off for the weekend, but using my time to spend with the family before I head back down the hill for work. So lets get this show on the road....
For this weeks video, I chose a classic from the late 90's... Rammstein's Du Hast.
This video is what started it all for me. I was mesmerized when I first saw this video. The hard driving, yet simple guitar riff was awesome. Little did I know at the time, but this wasn't there first album. I began collecting the old and new albums. As of this point, I own all their cd's except for the very rare box set. I have seen them live, twice, and would do just about anything to see them any chance I get. Rammstein are on top of the world when it comes to Industrial Metal.
Rammstein's live show is not to be missed. They fill an entire set, with theatrics, stage props, LOTS OF PYRO, and of course the best music Rammstein has to offer. Rammstein's music makes a 2 hour set fly by like it was 10 minutes. So much happens, its hard to catch and remember it all. Truly one of the BEST live act I have ever seen!
Please check out my Youtube channel for Rammstein Videos from their live show at the forum this past May. Jenny and I had a blast at that show.
Thank you for checking out this weeks music Video Monday. If you have any suggestions feel free to leave me a comment, email me, or message me on twitter :-) and please spread the word about my blog. I welcome any and all users.
It is that time of the week again....I know I know, I am now dreading Mondays as well. This week, I have chosen a song that is sure to get you moving. This song should also give you a great Halloween feel.
This is Rituals, a single from the upcoming album Seance.
God Module has been known to the industrial genre as the premiere form of Horror Industrial. I love God Module's unique sound. Very intriguing, very mysterious, with an eerie spooky feel. If listening to God Module doesn't get you in the mood for Halloween, I'm not sure what will. Jasyn , Courtney, and Clint do an awesome job, not only in writing and creating, but stage performance. I had an opportunity to see god Module perform in Hollywood last November. I am sure glad I arrived early for their set.
When listening to God module, I am reminded of the "Underground" Halloween Haunt Maze at Knott's Scary Farm. god Module doesn't just make "scary" music. They have made some great club tracks. Their songs are filled with hard hitting beats that will not only make you move, but give you the creeps lol
Catch God Module on the upcoming Triptych tour! Tickets are available now. You also have the opportunity of purchasing special VIP tickets. VIP includes a prize pack of items, early entry into the show (for soundcheck) and a guided tour from Combichrist's very own Joe Letz!
This tour is to help promote their new album Seance. Lots of bands have collaborated to remix songs for the band's single releases as well. If you search God Module on Youtube, you will find a Seance sample video Jasyn uploaded. It samples every song on the album! I am very excited for the release and the upcoming tour. It is going to be a lot of fun and great music.
For all CD and single release information, please visit www.Godmodule.org
Welcome back to a new Music video Monday. Sorry I have not been posting regularly, 'Im still adjusting to the changes going on. Work, and being away from the family, is hard getting used to, but I'll get there...
For this weeks Music Video, I am posting System Syn's newly released Good Night. the song is off their upcoming album "All Seasons Pass" which will be due out on October 11th.
Clint has stated, when this video hits 2000 views, he will release another song from the album. I am on a mission to help hit the 2000 mark. "Good Night" is a very addictive song. Very peaceful, yet moving at the same time. If this is what the album has in store, I'm going to love "All Seasons Pass."
This fall System Syn will be touring with God Module and Imperative Reaction on the Triptych tour! The tour comes to end on Halloween weekend at Das Bunker in L.A. Unfortunately the club can only book 2 bands a night, so System Syn will not be performing. We can still catch Clint perform double duty with both Imperative Reaction and God Module.
All CD and single information can be found at www.SystemSyn.com
Welcome back to Music Video Monday. Sorry I missed last weeks post, but I was preparing for job interviews on Monday and Tuesday. I am happy to announce that, I was given a job offer at Riverside Metro Auto Group's Hyundai/Mazda Service Department. I should be starting Tuesday.
Going with the excitement of my new job, I am giving you this weeks Music video. Now, I wasn't out of line, like the guy in the video, but it still works lol. My dad used to sing this song to me all the time. It usually came on, while we were driving home from work/school.
I have enjoyed my time off, spending a lot of time with my family, but this is no kind of life. I am excited to get things back on track for us. I am also looking forward to having spending money, and not just money to live off of. My family has made a lot of sacrifices in these past months, but I am looking to make up for all of them.
I hope you enjoyed this weeks video. It holds a little special memory for me, it will always remind me of my father. He said it jokingly, but I will stick to what he said.
Welcome to Music Video Monday. It is a new week, so lets see if we can kick things off the right way...
What better way to start a week, a day, a workout, anything really, than with METALLICA. Unless your listening to St. Anger, then they can really motivate you to do anything. Their music seems to flow with energy.
This weeks video was requested by my wife. Jenny loves this song by Metallica. She isn't their biggest fan, but she does like them. Jenny has a particularly favorite line from the song... Lets see who can guess her favorite line!
Sometime in the future I will post my favorite Metallica songs. I once considered them to be my favorite band, even with the whole napster hoopla that was pulled. I don't consider myself to have 1 favorite band, I like too many, and can listen to anyone of them, just depending on my mood. Metallica is my favorite thrash metal band though. They really saved themselves after St. Anger with Death Magnetic.
To guess at Jenny's (@elvisandtrent) favorite line from the song, you can leave a comment, send me a tweet (@ChevyBurnz) or email me (chevyburnz@gmail.com) I will post the answer and the correct guessers to the blog.
On Saturday July 30th, Tiger Army performed their 15 year anniversary show, at the O.C. fair. The crowd on hand, was the biggest crowd to ever come out for a headlining Tiger Army performance. The crowd was also the first to hear about the upcoming October Flame IV show announcement.
Many fans were speculating on whether or not Tiger Army would actually be performing this year. Front man Nick 13, had his solo Album released this year, and already had a done 1 tour of the album. With more solo shows planned throughout the fall, it looked to be a Nick 13 solo year.
I was fortunate to attend October Flame II, at the Wiltern. It was my first Tiger Army performance, and I loved it. I also was introduced to Combichrist at that same show! October Flame not only spotlights Tiger Army, it always showcases some of the best Rockabilly/Psychobilly bands out on the scene. I just happened to go the one night an industrial band was on the bill :-)
October Flame IV will be held on October 28th and 29th at the Grove of Anaheim. No band lineups have been announced yet.
As soon as more information is announced, I will edit this post. So keep checking back for more details!
Welcome back to Video Music Monday. I am once again blogging from my android phone :-) I've downloaded a different app, so lets see how this works.
As for this weeks video, I have posted a favorite song of mine. To be the honest, the video is nothing great, its the song that I love. It seems as if everyone has heard the song before, but no one knew who sang it.
I know this song has a little different style from what I normally post about, but it is very much of what makes my broad taste of music. I like a lot of different types, but usually the really different is what appeals to me.
How Bizarre has a laid back tone, and easy to sing along with lyrics. It always puts me in a good mood. My cousins laugh every time they hear it. It reminds the three of us, of the summer the song came out. I made sure to tune the TV to MTV when I knew it would be on.(yes MTV played songs on a repeat that could be clocked)
I hope you like this weeks video. Sorry it posted so late in the day. My computer tweaked out this morning, and I couldn't get on to publish with the video embedded.Please check back to the Music Happenings often, you may get a random surprise here and there. Thank you for reading and please pass this blog along to your friends :-)
The annual Rockstar Mayhem Festival is upon us. Every year Rockstar Energy Drink produce a metal filled lineup, and showcase in an all day festival. This years lineup in San Bernardino will be a little different from the rest of the tour. We will not see In Flames or Megadeth. In their place playing only 1 show this year, is Dethklok! I personally was a little let down to not be seeing Megadeth, but to have Dethklok fill their spot, yeah I'm OK with it now.
Every year comes with the announcement of the bands in January. People guess, and make wish lists, but they never seen to come close. I have tried not to do this, and just be surprised when they release the list. When ticket sales began, I was not financially able to purchase tickets. I had other priorities, and decided if I don't win them, then it wasn't meant to be...I kept my ears open for anyone giving away tickets, entering when I could. Revolver magazine seem to have a pretty simple giveaway, find the Mayhem Issue of their magazine and take a picture of yourself and send it in. I sent in my picture 4 days before the show, and WON! I received 2 lawn tickets for the show on July 9th. They over-night mailed the tickets to me from NY....(that cost wayyyy more than the tickets were worth!) but whatever I had 2 free tickets. I asked my sister's fiance if he wanted to go, he said yes, so it was all set.
I take a lot of precautions when going to Mayhem. This being my 6th all day festival (2 Ozzfests and 4th Mayhem Festival) I knew what to expect from the day. I try and drink as much water starting the night before. When I get up the day of the show, I start drinking water and don't stop till I leave my vehicle in the parking lot. There is no way I am paying $4.50 for a 20oz bottle of water! My loving wife, takes care of me as well. She packed me a lunch to eat on the way, and made sure I had a frozen gallon of water for after the show. She helped me sunblock and even sent sunblock for Jerry and 2 more cousins (Stephen and Oscar) who I was meeting at the show.
We all met in the parking lot, and ventured in together. The heat was in the mid 90's already (1:30pm) so we knew it would only be getting worse. We walked right over to the side stages, which are to the south of the main stage. While walking, I ran into a cousin of mine, who happened to be working the concession stands with his wife. He told us to come back and get water and sodas when we needed them. (THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!)
The Jägermeister stage started as scheduled, and thus began a day full of metal mayhem! Weeman from Jackass introduced the opening band. the Jägermeister and Revolver stages run back to back until the main stage begins later towards the evening. We ventured around the crowds, trying to stay close, but away from the mosh pits. (I had my camera and glasses with me...) The Rockstar tent gives out free Rockstar Energy Drinks, so we stopped in there to grab a few. The orange can was the best. Not sure exactly which one that is, but I know for sure it was the ORANGE can. We noticed a small line forming at the Revolver tent, so we headed there, and were able to meet Gene and Dino of Fear Factory! (See even Industrial music has a place in a Metal Festival lol) They signed posters and took a picture with me. Cool guys. Not snobbish at all.
Throughout the afternoon, the Metal Mulisha, performed crazy motor cycle stunts along the side of the Revolver stage. The band from "Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory" was there playing while the motorcyclists were performing. They were still in the revamped mobile sound stage Rob had built for them. All we had to do was turn to the right and we could see everything. I like how Mayhem does the location planning. We never really have to move. The only reason we went back up the hill, away from the stages, was to see my cousin Michelle who hooked us up with cups of water.
By 5ish, Jerry was starting to burn. He had sunblock on, but it didn't stop the sun. He was turning red...lol We decided to head back up the hill to see where we could wait for a good spot in the grass. Jerry and I had the free lawn tickets, but Stephen and Oscar had purchased orchestra pit tickets. We were walking through the grass when I had an idea... I can't divulge such said idea, but I can tell you about the outcome of my wonderful scheme... Jerry and I were standing right next to Stephen and Oscar in the orchestra pit! All 4 of us made it to the front rail of the pit, which is only THE BEST PLACE TO SEE A CONCERT! I was excited. Never had I been so close at the San Manuel Amphitheater. I had been in the orchestra before, but in the seats. I was front row...FTW!
We were talking to the security guards, who by the way were really cool! One of them was telling us that we were standing in one of the two loudest spots in the entire amphitheater. The other spot was on the other side of the stage. He pointed up at a stack of speakers, and said, that's why it will be loud here... There were also huge stacks of speakers along the sides of the stage. I was getting really excited at this point.
Machine Head opened the main stage. (2nd time seeing them) They played well. They got the crowd wound up and ready to rock. They play well. I honestly don't know much of their stuff, but it was good metal to bang your head to. Machine Head thanked the crowd for being there early to see them play. I respect a band that respects its fans. They knew most people were there to hold a spot for the headliners later in the evening. I've learned to never underestimate the opening bands. They can put on a hell of a show. And you never know, you may actually like what they play. (for example Combichrist, who is now one of my favorite bands, opened for Tiger Army...)
After Machine Head, came Godsmack....Many fans were on hand today just for Godsmack...I had only seen Godsmack once before, and that was when they opened for Metallica at the Honda Center in Anaheim. Godsmack came out with a fury of fast paced songs. They played all of the fans favorites.starting with newer, and heading back into their past. During their set, the drummer started a mini solo, and then Sully (the lead singer) brought out his own drum set, and soloed with him. They jammed for a while, then started playing classics like Iron Man to get the crowd really into it. The solo lasted about 9 or 10 minutes. It was great. Really something different. ( I have been to a few metal shows where the guitarist likes to solo for a while...It all just kind of seems redundant, and a little boring. I know what your thinking, but I too play guitar! I know what it takes. I just get bored with hearing it) Godsmack played Voodoo during their set ( I had to call my wife so she could hear the song she liked best by them) After their set, the crew dismantled the gear, and the security guard nabbed the stage setlist for me :-) So I now have the set list that was taped to the bottom of the stage for the band to read...
Godsmack was great. I was there for another band though...Disturbed! I had seen Disturbed 3 other times, and knew it should be a great set. Disturbed was the co-headliner for the first Mayhem Festival. The time had arrived, and boy was I blown away....Disturbed rocked on stage that night! They utilized led screens all around the stage to play videos to match each song. They were the only band to use FIRE during their set.We were so close we could feel the heat from the flames. I was hyped. They played everything, and ended their set with Down With the Sickness. Being so close made the set even better. We could feel the energy coming from the band. After their set, the band thanked everyone and threw out guitar picks. All 4 of us, were able to nab a pick.
But the Mayhem continues... because of Megadeth and In Flames playing in Europe, Rockstar was able to ubtain a special fill in. None other than Metalocalypse own Dethklok!! I knew some of their songs, and I knew to prepare for full metal mayhem. The band came out on stage and played with fury. The huge screen in the background played Metalocalypse style videos for every song. The band did very little, but yet played with such feeling and emotion that the crowd was going nuts. Their metal goes back to the fast paced, drum beating, hair thrashing, long evolved songs of metal's past....6, 7 ,even 8 minute songs. None of which were boring. All had the correct song structure, and all were captivating. I was a little puzzled to see the lead singer come out on stage. Not what I had pictured. Maybe I was influenced from the cartoon, but the growling came from a guy whole looked like Adam from Mythbusters lol.He didn't look funny, but I think after years of seeing the band on Metalocalypse, I had a preconceived notion on how he was "supposed" to look.
Now for the after Mayhem...No not the partying or fun times your thinking of...but the recovery process from a long, sun beaten, water deprived day! I needed to eat and drink water. Even with the water during the day, I was dehydrated. The next morning, I woke up sore, and my ears were ringing pretty bad. The 4 of us all posted how it was worth the soreness.
I want to say thank you to my cousins Leonard and Michelle for the water and sodas. Without them we would have passed out early in the afternoon. I want to thank, the security guards in the pit. Without the water refills they gave us, we may not have survived the 5 hours in the pit! I want to thank Jerry, Stephen and Oscar. They hung out and made the day a pleasant day of metal! Most importantly, I want to thank my wife Jenny! without her, I would be sun burnt, with no food in my system, and without cold water for the ride home! I appreciate how you look out for me on my metal mayhem journeys. I love you babe!
For more pictures or videos, click the links at the top of this blog. My Youtube channel and Photobucket have all the pics and videos I shot at Mayhem Festival. Feel free to comment here and make sure to tell your friends about my blog. Thank you for reading!
Welcome to Music Video Monday! On Monday I showcase a different music video that is in someway memorable to me. Each video will have a different reason, and I will try to explain each.
This weeks video is, Stingwray by Static-X. This video was released early spring of 2009. This video serves as a reminder of a couple of memories for me, I was able to meet Wayne Static and Tony Campos at Hottopic in San Bernardino on St. Patrick's Day, and that same year I was able to see Static-X perform live at the Anaheim House of Blues (great venue btw!)
For my wife and I, we differ when it comes to certain types of music. I try to find the happy mediums, so we can both be happy. As for Static-X, she likes them as well! The concert was a fun time. She even survived the pit during Bury Your Dead's set :-) She was able to take pics and videos for me from the upstairs balcony, while I moshed with the crazy crowd downstairs. Out of all the songs they performed that night, she liked this one the best.
I hope you enjoy this part of my blog. I like perusing Youtube, and figured why not just post some of my faves with everyone....
This summer the industrial / ebm / dark noise fans will rejoice in the new album releases from Imperative Reaction (Imperative Reaction 09/2011), God Module (Seance 09/2011), and System Syn (All Seasons Pass 10/2011)!
Each band has been leaking samples and singles from the album. I have yet to hear a song that I didn't instantly consider a hit! I am usually not a fan of remixes, but there are some damn good ones being released. Imperative Reaction has released 4 versions of their first single, Surface. (I am listening to them as I write this blog)
If you find all of these bands on Facebook, you can click on their bandpage tab and preview some of the tracks, or even watch the Surface music video.On their Facebook page, you can also find the links to purchase the albums. All three bands are releasing their CDs with special limited edition box sets. God Module is releasing Seance with a specially created Ouija boards. All three bands have also loaded the limited edition boxes with lots of special add-ons. Posters, buttons, stickers, postcards, books, wristbands, and special limited box set only T-shirts!
When a band releases a CD, I can only think of one thing.... When will they tour??? I have never seen System Syn or Imperative Reaction perform, and now I can finally get that chance! The Triptych tour was just announced, and all three bands are on the bill. This tour will end its US rounds in LA, at the wonderful Das Bunker, on Halloween weekend!! Although System Syn will not be performing on this date, I can't imagine a better way to start the best holiday of the year :-D
Clint Carney and I April 2011 at Das Bunker
This is going to be an interesting set of bands performing...Clint Carney is a member of all 3 bands!Adam Vex is also going to be doing double stage duty, as a member of both Imperative Reaction and System Syn. Both Adam and Clint have messaged me on Facebook, and confirmed performing with each group.
Tickets are on sale for the Das Bunker show in L.A. I would not sit on this... We should be buying tickets in the near future. (the last show we went to at Das Bunker sold out...)
Recently announced, you can purchase VIP package tickets for all shows, including the LA show at Das Bunker. Ticket will include VIP meet and greet, Limited Edition Shirt, show Laminate and a few other goodies. VIP tickets are extremely limited (only 20 per show) so get yours soon!
**Announced today, DJ Joe Letz of Combichrist will be joining the tour, after the Gothic cruise as a special guest DJ between sets. Joe will also be hosting the VIP meet and greets **
To pre-order singles and albums, go to the bands web page. I have provided a link to all three...
Welcome to Music Video Monday. Every Monday I will showcase a different music video. This week is no different...
Happy 4th of July everyone! Happy Independance day, America's Birthday, and the day the World defeated the aliens (Independance Day the movie)
More importantly, its my wife's birthday! The wonderful and loving wife, and mother of both my boys! I love you babe, and enjoy your day :-)
This week I am showcasing Kid Rock's American Bad Ass. I am not a huge Kid Rock fan, but when you add a sample (borrowed not sampled) of Metallica's Sad But True, you get a great song! The official video is not on Youtube, but this will do.
Enjoy the holiday everyone. Light some good fireworks!
Welcome to the newest feature of the blog... Music Video Mondays. On Mondays, I will showcase a different music video. From all genres of music. Generally posting my favorite from the past, and maybe some new ones as they come along....
This weeks entry comes from one of my favorite performers. Rob Zombie (formerly of White Zombie) put out Hellbilly Deluxe in 1998. The first single, Dragula, set his place in the Metal Industrial scene! The song, on it's own, is a great song. The video added to the mystery and spookiness that is Rob Zombie.
For those of you who have not seen Zombie perform live, imagine the Dragula music video coming to life! His stage shows are very elaborate and and very detailed. Giant robots (set from the 1950's) come out and dance on stage, and even perform a drum line.
Rob's antics seem to touch a chord inside me. I love the zombie, horror, bloody, disgusting genres! His music and shows always interest me.
Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope you have enjoyed it. Please feel free to re post to your followers, re post on Twitter or Facebook, and please follow my blog with Google reader.
Welcome to the newest feature of the blog... Music Video Mondays. On Mondays, I will showcase a different music video. From all genres of music. Generally posting my favorite from the past, and maybe some new ones as they come along....
Well the wait is finally over...Imperative Reaction has unveiled their first music video! Surface is the first single from their yet to be released self titled album. The band got together with Chad Michael Ward and shot the video in Los Angeles, this past March.
To View the video, you must "Like" the Band's Facebook page. There you can watch the video, and play a selection of other songs and remixes by the band.
I love the simplicity of the video, yet not homemade looking.... (if that makes sense)
I recommend all non industrial fans to check out this video...The beats are catchy, the synth lines move you, and the bands energy can be felt through the music. This band comes together well. I personally can not wait till I can see this band live!
Dark, harsh, industrial act, God Module will be releasing a new Album "Séance" in September. From that new album, the first single "Rituals" is scheduled to be released on August 9th, 2011 on Metropolis Records.
Under tight lip, fans have been anxiously awaiting the album and the new single. "Rituals" should start formally leaking onto the web on the bands Facebook page this weekend!
Rituals will be released with 7 different remixes done by variousnotable industrial fan favorites, ie; iVardensphere and Mordacious.
I have personally seen God Module in concert, and they performed well. The eerie, spooky, and rigid, industrial beats and synth sounds work well, and build an eerie stage presence. ( I was even lucky enough to catch Jasyn Bangert's head garment when he threw it into the audience) God module has produced some of the best club stomping tracks, making them fan faves around the world!
Upcoming this year, God Module will perform on the 2011 Gothic Cruise along side System Syn, and Imperative Reaction.
The long wait is finally over... Imperative Reaction have finished their new album! Since 2008, the band has played a some shows, but mostly has spent the past year, rebirthing the band. Self titled, here is what Ted Phelps had to say about the new album...
"I decided that this album would be a new beginning for Imperative Reaction,” says Ted Phelps of the band’s upcoming self-titled release. Showcasing an evolved sound that combines the band’s explosive live show with the precise, electronic anthems Imperative Reaction has built its name on; Imperative Reaction is both as much a summation as it is a huge step forward for a band never content to rest on past successes. In Phelps' words: “It is our defining album.” quoted from Metropolis Records
Jasyn Bangert(of God Module) said this about the album on his FB page the other day.... Goddamn!! This new Imperative Reaction CD is really gooooooood!! Don't worry you guys will be able to hear it in a couple months muhahahahaha>:) quoted from FB page
Their first video, Surface, will be unveiled Monday, June 13th. Like their Facebook page to view the Chad Michael Ward production. Surface will be available to buy on July 112th.
Fans are not only awaiting the arrival of the new CD, but the touring that may come along with it. So far, Imperative Reaction have confirmed a slot on the 2011 Gothic Cruise. Along side other industrial acts as System Syn and God Module, they plan to put on a great show. I have heard great reviews of their live performance, and hope to be able to attend a local show in the near future.
Imperative Reaction is:
Ted Phelps (vocals/songs) FB page
Clint Carney (keys) FB page
Trevor Friedrich (drums) FB page
Adam Vex (guitar) FB page
System of A Down added a show due to fans demands. After performing to a sold out LA Forum crowd, they have decided to perform at the Verizon Wireless Amphitheater in Irvine on May 25th, 2011. I was not planning to attend this show, since I had just attended the Rammstein show less than a week prior, but my wife was able to purchase a ticket from her cousins (my anniversary gift) so that I could go! I was in shock. I had not been to a System show since Ozzfest 2002.
Gogol Bordello opened the show for System. This is a lively, multi piece band. They utilize a lot of different instruments to make their unique sound. I had never heard of them before, but will definitely be looking into them more. If i had to give a similarity, I would say the Gypsy version of Flogging Molly....The band used the crowd to get their music going. It was a fitting opening act for System, filling the seats of the amphitheater before their set ended.
The stage crew hung a huge white tarp over the stage, and the name, System of A Down, was projected onto the stage front cloth. The crowd anxiously awaited to start of the guitar playing...The sound of Serj's distinct singing and rambling of political messages...The fast crowd pumping guitar riffs....And then it began. Prison Song started their 2 hour set of fast paced music. The crowd knew every word. Jumping and singing right along with Serj.
System performed for 2 hours that night. Playing 30 of their best hits. They involved the crowd during songs, getting them to jump, clap, and sing along with the band. There were no breaks, no false endings, just 2 hours of pure music rampage. System filled every minute possible with as much music as they could. Ending with Sugar, System's first hit single, it was a bitter sweet ending to the show. They thanked the crowd for returning to see them, and vowed to make a return in the near future.
System has more summer tour dates in Europe and South America. No set plans have been made yet to a full US tour or new album release.
KMFDM have announced US tour dates for early this fall! The month of August will hold 19 dates spanning across the United States and into Toronto, Canada.
Supporting KMFDM will be Army of The Universe, Human Factors Lab, and (on some dates, including ALL Southern Californian dates) 16 Volt.
After 27 years of making harsh, beat driven, Industrial music, they are still going strong! I had the opportunity to go to a show on their 25th anniversary US tour. Their music threw me head first into the basis of Industrial music, and I loved it. The music, the style, the fans, I felt in place with everything that night.
I was also introduced to the band Angelspit that night. Very different than the Industrial style music from what I was used to. I had only listened to the dark, heavy beat, noise of Industrial. Angelspit brought the vocals, club mixed, dance beat EBM style Industrial to me. Little did I know, I would be introduced to yet another side of Industrial music 8 days later when I would witness Combichrist open for Tiger Army at the Octoberflame event.
KMFDM will be performing at the Grove of Anaheim Aug 6th, and the The Mayan Aug 8th. Both shows are all ages.
The tour in which I had waited for almost 10 years, had finally arrived. Holding my tickets for a couple of months, did not help with the anticipation. Jenny had been listening to me talk her ear off about what I remembered of their short set at the Pledge of Allegiance Tour back in 2001. Adding to the anticipation of this show, was the fact that Combichrist would be opening for Rammstein.
This show marked my third Combichrist performance to date. I heard that they were a great opening act for Rammstein, setting a perfect stage. Combichrist did not disappoint. Their set got the crowd pumped and ready for Rammstein to take the stage.
Combichrist not only is opening for Rammstein, but are touring along side the tour route with their own headlining tour. I was unable to make the previous nights show in Santa Ana, but heard it went well, selling out the Galaxy Theatre. For this set of tours, Abbey Nex, formerly of Pysclon Nine, is joining Combichrist as guitarist. In the previous shows I had attended, Wes Borland had joined Combichrist, so adding a guitarist was not a new concept for me. I was however surprised as to how well Abbey Nex adapted his guitar skills to the music. He was not drowned out by Z-mar's devilish synth lines, or over powering Joe and Trevor's heavy drum beating. He fit in well with the band. If ever to have a fan vote as to whether or not to add Abbey as a permanent member of the band, I will fully support!
Combichrist filled their 35 minute set with a variation of new and old songs. The Crowd, many of which did not know of Combichrist, took to them very well. Their set ended with Combichrist performing Blut Royale with Richard and Paul (guitarists) from Rammstein. My friend Justin, who had never seen them live before, texted me after their set with, "Dude those guys were BAD ASS."
The time had come, I knew Rammstein was set to go on stage at 9pm. The Stage went dark, and out came the greatest Industrial Metal band ever! (well in my opinion at least) Rammstein fresh off receiving the Revolver Golden God award for best live performance, set out to burn down the Forum. Rammstein opened with Rammlied, a subtle starting song, with a heavy riff chorus, that enthralled the seemingly sold out crowd. Not knowing what each song would en-tail, the crowd watched in amazement. Every song performed by Rammstein included an over the top story and pyrotechnic showcase. Everything from: flame throwers, huge explosions, fights with band members, crazed fans set on fire (literally) to exploding baby dolls with laser beams attached to their heads were used in the show.
Rammstein's stage set was very tall and elaborate. Lights were used at the top as well as from underneath the bands feet. Spot lights would come down from the top, strobing and moving within each song. The stage back drop changed 3 times during their set. When the opening back drop fell, it revealed an elaborate industrial feeling stage. Rammstein chooses to utilize almost all of the human senses during their performances. So much is visually going on, and in sync with the the heart pounding sounds of Rammstein, make for an awesome show!
I knew the show wouldn't last forever, but I wish it could... Not knowing if and when Rammstein would tour the United States again, I tried to capture as much as possible in pictures, videos, and my memory. I am still in awe from the show. I have been to a lot of shows and this definitely has topped them all. I would think that not even being a fan of their music, one could enjoy their show. I don't think this is a show that I could ever get tired of watching! From the videos I have seen, they do change things up, so I am curious as to how they would out do themselves next.