Das Bunker presents Aesthetic Perfection w/ Faderhead at the Catch one in Los Angeles on April 22nd, 2011. Jenny and I had the privilege of being 2 of the SOLD OUT 800 person crowd on hand that night, for the start of the tour. Jenny and I met some friends - The Stomp Mob - at the show. All of us drove roughly about 2 hours to attend. We had been counting down the days since we heard the announcement way back earlier in the year.
Jenny and I had never been to Das Bunker before. Das Bunker also serves as LA's leading Industrial, Goth, EBM nightclub. I was surprised to walk in and spot Mr. Clint Carney standing right in front of the entrance. Clint was down to Earth, and even posed for a picture. After touring the main floor, we decided to secure our spots at the stage. To our luck, we arrived early enough to gain front stage access.
Faderhead had never performed in the United Sates, so this was a special show for them as much as it was for us in the crowd. Sami and Lord Marco Visconti took the stage to a very enthusiastic and welcoming crowd. Faderhead played all of their hits, including TZDV, Dirtygrrls Dirty Bois, Destroy Improve Rebuild, and Electrosluts Extraordinaire. The crowd gave Faderhead its deserved attention. Faderhead was sure to involve the crowd, and use the energy given from the crowd. Their set was about 30 minutes, but the time flew by. I was very impressed with their set. Definitely worth seeing live!
It's 12:15am, and everyone is anxiously awaiting Aesthetic Perfection to come out to the stage... Daniel Graves and band come out to greet the crowd. Daniel, dressed in a white and black tuxedo jacket, came out and opened with "A Nice Place to Visit." They sounded great! AP played all of the crowds favorites, including; Pale, The Ones, The Great Depression, Living the Wasted Life, Schadenfreude, and Spit It Out. They also played "The Devil's In the Details" and "Spilling Blood" from their upcoming album "All Beauty Destroyed." Daniel Graves has a lot of energy that feeds into the crowd. He seems to really enjoy the crowds energy. For it being 1 am, he still had the crowd jumping, dancing and singing along! Aesthetic Perfection have produced some great EBM, and their performances prove it.
After the show, Das Bunker seemed to resume it's normal duties as Friday Night hot spot in LA. This is show was full of A-List industrial giants... Joe Letz and Trevor Friedrich (both from Combichrist) were said to be in attendance. I ran into Joe near the bar and he was gracious enough to take a picture with me as well. I have to admit, out of all the genres of music out there, it seems that the industrial genre is the closest to its fans. They are out watching other bands perform, mingling with the crowd, and even jumping on stage with other bands. They connect with their fans on all types of social media sites. They answer questions, hold conversations, tattoo, and even play games with fans. The group members will come out and mingle with the crowd even after a show! I read that the Lord Marco had gotten food poisoning that day from Wendy's, and the reason Clint Carney was there, was to fill in for the Lord if needed... comradery between bands is very visible and good to see.
Aesthetic Perfection and Faderhead are a must see, live! I was not disappointed one bit. My fear was the fact that the concert had started so late at night, 11:15pm. the crowd would not be as enthusiastic. I was wrong. I had more energy when I left, then when I arrived. Aesthetic Perfection made the adrenaline rush last for a few hours after their set ended.